a vibrant blend of cultures and flavors, a testament to a life rich with depth and variety
The Cigars
Harmonizing Sweetness and Smoke with Our Signature Rum
Where tradition meets innovation, our FUSIONES embody a vibrant blend of cultures and flavors, a testament to a life rich with depth and variety. Crafted with hand-selected aged tobaccos in the Italian Toscana style, each blend pays homage to our diverse heritage and global influences. Infused with a symphony of flavors, including our signature rum
These FUSIONES captivate the senses, offering a smoking experience cherished by all, whether enjoyed alone or in the company of those who seek the extraordinary
the perfect pair
loved by all
The flavor is a mixture of soft, sweet fruits and accents of familiarity alongside the chosen tobaccos. The smoke is inviting and smooth, loved by ladies and gentlemen alike and perfectly compliments both the time and flavor profile provided while enjoying a memorable cocktail made with MACHUCA, singly or in fine company
A Fusion Beyond Tobaccos
The uniqueness of the Fusión moves beyond the selection of tobaccos; a balanced array of flavors is then introduced to the blend, including our rum. The result is astounding, which can also be seen on the faces of the people enjoying them